HEY Blog Readers!!
Firstly I realise that it's Saturday and this post was due last night so apologies for the delay! I wanted to make a BTS (Behind the scenes) video and I'm really not a "tech-whiz" at all so it took me forever! :(

Last Monday I had a photoshoot in a swimming pool! (Big Thank You to Tranquillity Leisure-in the Raheen Woods Hotel in Athenry!x). As you may know I'm going away for the summer and spending it in Sunny Los Angeles, California(weee I CANNOT WAIT!) I love America and I have some amazing opportunities lined-up in the states which means I'll be needing some new pictures for any press back home in Ireland :) The swimming pool shoot is something I had on my mind for a long time! and I work a lot with Sammie (Samantha Craughwell make-up) & Sean (Sean McCormack Photography)-we are like a little team and shooting is always a lot of fun!-I love working with both of them! but as I am off to L.A. and Samantha is leaving for Canada (for two years-booo :( ) it was probably our last time shooting...for a long time at least! :( So it was our final "HORAaaaa" so to speak :P
Getting ready for the shoot:
The shoot was on Monday so on Saturday I popped into Stairway to Beauty in Athenry to get Shellac nails done :) Personally I love Shellac because it doesn't chip (it lasts 2 weeks) and because there is no fake-nail/nail extension added: it's simply like a tough polish... I'm not a fan of long GelNails just because I'm always on the go: I workout a lot which involves lifting weights and I'm always messing around with horses so they just don't suite my lifestyle!
Then on Sunday I popped back again to get a spray tan..what I like about Sairway 2Beauty is that the staff really listen to the individual's preference with regards to how dark/light you want your spraytan to be and they work to accomodate that.. it's not a 'one suites all' attitude.
Because it was a summer pool shoot I wanted to go quite dark and Sacra in Stairway 2Beauty helped me to achieve just that!
The day started a lot later than normal-We had pool access at 9pm so Samantha came over at 7.00 & we had a cup of tea and a catch-up before starting on make-up! For the make-up we went for a turquoise under-eye with cat-eye liner... I just straightened my hair because I was going to get it wet!
I was SO impressed with the make-up: I was literally sitting on the bottom of the swimming pool and it stayed on perfectly! The only water-proof product that was used was the mascara SO I have no idea how Sammie managed to work her magic! :)
At the beginning I was really worried about getting the make-up wet and I feel this made me a bit restricted in moving.. however, I soon got into it, and stopped worrying, once I started splashing around :)
Sean was a great sport! He stuck-on his swimming trunks and got in the pool for a lot of the shots! My mum-who has become some-what of a "Kris Jenner Wannabe" lol "Momager" was also in the pool helping out..fixing my hair etc... I'm not the strongest swimmer (actually I almost feel like I've forgotten how to swim, lol) so it was good to have some extra arms near by incase I started drowning :P haha
Here are some of the BTS photos (I'm looking forward to seeing some of the professional images :) )
- Channelling my inner "herbal essence" ad, lo
Shooting with water was a lot tougher than I had imagined! but I like challenges and I had a lovely evening!! :)
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to Samantha Craughwell Make-up, Sean McCormack photography, Stairway 2Beauty and Tranquillity Leisure in the Raheen Woods Athenry! (Click on their names to visit their facebook pages!)
Keep an eye on my facebook page (and indeed the 'Gallery' on this website) to see the resulting professional images from the shoot!
I'll leave you with this BTS video that I made... (BTW-I LOVE this song! :) )
Lots of Love,
Shahira Xo
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