Please Note: Unfortunately this post was one of the blogs (pre.28th of July 2014) that suffered a 'Blogger' crash.. which saw all images vanishing! I have tried to replace the images from the crash as best as I can. However images of me with products etc.. may be lost as a result and therefore the images you see may not match the text(which is original and was not effected by the crash). My blog has therefore had to start fresh and all blogs starting from July 29th 2014 are correct with the appropriate, original and correct images but unfortunately the same can not be said for images lost in posts before this date. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Shahira xo
Hey Blog Readers!
Firstly I want to wish you all a HAPPY New Year! Whether you are sad to let go of 2013 or glad to see the back of it I hope the New Year brings you all the Happiness in the world!
"Rough times may come but they will not come to stay-they come to pass!"
"It's very important for you to believe that you are the one and that you can!"
"It's very important for you to believe that you are the one and that you can!"
I truly feel that self-belief is one of the most powerful and life-changing feelings that you can have. I'm not talking about being big-headed or self-centered in anyway but simply believing in yourself and your abilities will bring you so far! after all how can you expect anyone else to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself? Life is so precious and so short so my hope for all my lovely blog readers, friends, family and everyone who has supported me this year is that you find that self-belief to live happily and chase your dreams! when you believe in yourself magical things begin to happen!x!
My Year in Review
My top 10 Career highlights (no particular order) this year included...
1) Modelling in London for Loaded magazine!
2) My cover feature for Galway Now -It made me feel proud that my home town honoured my successes in this way.
3) Music Videos in LA and getting to hang out and work in the company of so many great talents that I look up to! Such as Enrique Iglesias, Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj, Tyga and Bone Thugs N Harmony :)
4) Having constant interest with work offers, auditions and castings come my way in Los Angeles: It's risky business leaving your home country where you have started to make moves and succeed in order to be thrown into the heart of your industry, half way across the world with millions of people trying to do the same thing you want to do! You go from trying to be a big fish in a small pond to being a tiny fish in a massive pond! So the relief when I was kept constantly busy and in demand abroad was a breath of fresh air! I am happiest when I am working and I can see progress in motion. I was even booked for a small acting role in an Al Pacino movie (Unfortunately I was unable to take it due to documentation but simply getting the role gave me hope and made me decide to focus some more on acting as that may be a door for me in the future). One of my favourite jobs was for Zooop It Up comfy wear- It was simply such a fun day, on a beautiful yacht, in a beautiful location and I made lots of new friends that day!
5) Doing my first ever TV interview - on Ireland AM. I really want to move into more TV work so being booked for an interview with Ireland AM gave me such a boost! To watch my interview click here!
6) Another year of regular, positive press and a move from solely tabloid coverage to attracting the interest of bookies-Paddy power (on many occasions and topping polls) plus glossy's such as RSVP magazine etc...
7) International press coverage: Having my pictures feature internationally and not solely in Ireland- This included the UK, USA, Bangladesh, The Philippines and Mexico and always came as a surprise to me, of course a very pleasant surprise that anyone on an international basis would have any interest in me as a model or person in general!-one small move for mankind one huge success in the world of modelling and entertainment for a small town girl :)
e.g. Playboy's Smoking Jacket-
8) Placing second in the Irish Hot 100 - I genuinely didn't expect to be included in the top100 to begin with so to place second was AMAZING for me! Especially knowing that I was continually voted there by a public vote- The support everyone has shown me this past year has been out of this world! and I thank you so much if you support me - I love you! :)
9) Joining a reputable Talent Agency: My collaboration and joining with Talent Base for representation with regards to talent -Singing, acting, dancing, modelling etc... They are so positive and encouraging with regards to my career. I am very glad to have them on my team and to be apart of their team!
10) Launching my first ever official Calendar! I am thrilled to have a calendar out- which is available online at
Personal Life Highlights
1) Spending much of my summer at the wonderful Playboy Mansion as a guest of one of my business icons Mr.Hugh Hefner! I'm so appreciative to him for everything-I feel like playboy entering my life changed the game in so many ways for me because it made me open my eyes to dreams that can come true! and I believe anything is possible! I am appreciative for the many new friends I made there, eating the delicious food, watching movies in the comfort of a beautiful home, lounging by the pool, the laughs, the big parties and simply some of the best days and memories of my life!x!2) All of my time in the USA! the people I met, the places I visited, the hikes, the trips, the frozen yogurt the new friends, the nights out, the parties - everything that made my time there magical and unforgettable!
3) Coming into my own! It's true that travelling changes you but I don't feel that I have changed as such.. I simply feel that I have come into my own and I am expressive of my personality: I know who I am and I am happy and confident within myself! I genuinely don't care what negative people think of me - I have let go of all negativity! I am doing what I love, I am wearing what I want, expressing msyelf and being me! and I have found happiness as a result :)
5) Starting acting classes to improve my skills in that area. I have always been involved in acting as I was in many performing arts groups and societies growing up and throughout college but I often neglected the area of acting and concentrated more on singing/dancing. However, since starting to model I have had many acting opportunities come my way so I decided I would join Galway Youth Theater and try to improve my acting skills. I have learnt so much and I feel that this is an area that may work well for me and there may be a future for me with acting! I feel that being happy and confident within my self and coming into my own has helped me to have the confidence to commit to a role and improve my acting skills significantly!
6) Doing a Strictly Come Dancing for Charity: I took part in a strictly come dancing for the Galway Rape Crisis Center and I placed in the top 5. I feel that this helped me as it gave me a focus when I arrived home from such a busy time in LA. It took a lot of my spare time and it wasn't always easy but I really enjoyed it, meeting new people and making new friends! I had never done ballroom dancing but in general I love dancing so I loved learning a new style!x!
8) Christmas with my mum and sister. I have a very small family! and Christmas is a very difficult time for me because it is the anniversary of someone very special to me. This year marked the 4 year anniversary. It doesn't get easier and although I was filled with sadness on the inside I decided to be grateful for the time with my beautiful and wonderful mum and sister! My sister lives in Cork and I am planning to move abroad in 2014 so the time we spend as a three-o is so precious to me because they are the two people I love the most in the world! I may not have the biggest family but I have the closest and full of the most love!x!
9) The hikes with my mother in Co.Clare. Before I went away me and my mum started hiking a lot. We did it to spend some time together before I left for the US, to catch up, get outdoors, enjoy the fresh air, reflect and often to get over a stressful situation- I found that going to clare and spending the day hiking and chatting was very therapeutic and I cherish those "back to basics" simple times, and memories.
10) Learning to cope with hardship. I have been so blessed in 2013 and so lucky! I have had an amazing year which I am forever thankful for but it hasn't been without it's hardships! I have learnt strategies to cope, I've learnt to keep certain things in my heart and I've learnt to never explain yourself to anyone because those that matter don't need it and those that don't won't believe it!
My hopes for 2014!
Love, health, wealth and happiness!
My Goals!
I feel that to share your personal and career goals for a New Year is setting yourself up to fail and I would rather take them seriously and plough on myself. All I will say is that I hope to return to Los Angeles and I hope to see as much, if not more, progress in my career when compared to 2013 and to keep climbing the stairs to where I want to be.
I am so grateful for 2013 and I am so hopeful for 2014! :)
Thank you to everyone who has read my blogs this year-I really appreciate it!x!
Lots of Love,
Shahira Xo
If your company would like a review or specific blog-post on a product, treatment, service or any other item to appear on email with the details.
Lots of Love,