Heyy Blog Readers :)
I popped into the studio today with Sean McCormack photography and Samantha Craughwell Make-Up for a quick shoot based on the above picture. We thought it was a cool concept as it incorporates movement and actions and it is something different-a look I have never done before. I had a similar outfit of a blazer and shorts (Mine were denim and high-waisted).
My make-up was simple on the eyes with only liquid liner and lashes-no eye-shadow (which is new for me) and pink lips. My hair was done in a pony tail with quiff/mohawk on the top :)
We didn't really prepare a whole lot in advance for this shoot-it was just a bit of fun and we only did the one look. It was actually more difficult than I had expected though: Firstly normally when shooting in the studio with Sean and Sammie we blast the music and it makes for a fun/banter-full shoot: Exampleeee:
This time however we were in the building during office hours on a week day so we couldn't play music (only very low) and with this type of a shoot it would have been a lot easier to mess around dancing to music while Sean snapped away-never the less I tried my best :)
Also it was a completely new concept to me as normally when shooting I move, pose and hold-the picture is snapped and repeat x100 haha, this time it was constant movement and not solely focused on the camera: More of a "messy/fun/dance look"...if that makes sense ;)
Here are some of the BTS snaps Sammie took on my camera :) can't wait to see the finished result :)

I'll post the finished picture colláge when I get it from Sean :)
Also for anyone wondering-my shorts are from New-Look and my blazer from ASOS ;)
Lots of Love
Shahira Xo
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