Thursday 9 January 2014

Shiny hair for a bargain!

Please Note: Unfortunately this post was one of the blogs (pre.28th of July 2014) that suffered a 'Blogger' crash.. which saw all images vanishing! I have tried to replace the images from the crash as best as I can. However images of me with products etc.. may be lost as a result and therefore the images you see may not match the text(which is original and was not effected by the crash). My blog has therefore had to start fresh and all blogs starting from July 29th 2014 are correct with the appropriate, original and correct images but unfortunately the same can not be said for images lost in posts before this date. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Shahira xo

Hey Blog Readers! 

For today's blog post I thought I'd tell you about a range of products that really do make your hair sparkly and shiny :)

Argan it's a Bargain

You can get the below products from the favourite bargain hunting ground - PENNEY'S/Primark!

The most recent addition to the Hask line of products is a Shampoo and Conditioner!

There is a new Argan oil range and a new Keratin protein range available from Hask!

The Argan oil shampoo/conditioner is what I have been using lately so I thought I would tell you about it in this blog post :)

I had no intention of doing a blog when I picked up this product and although I am aware that Argan oil is good for your hair I picked it up without any preconceived notion or expectation! I simple got it because I was out of shampoo/conditioner, it was cheap and cheerful and I was looking to try a new one!

This shampoo/conditioner is free of sulfates and parabens and works to strengthen, restore and repair your hair. In the modern days of constant heat damage etc... it is important to use products that work to repair day-to-day damage to the hair follicle! especially if you are hoping to grow your hair!

My first impressions of this hair care range:

  • It smells delicious and "citrusy"! 
  • It's easy to work with - the shampoo lathers nicely and you don't need too much product... even with long hair like mine, a euro sized amount is plenty! 
  • My hair immediately felt softer once applied and once I dried my hair I realised how extremely soft and shiny it had become (even after just one wash!) 
  • The conditioner improved my ends (particularly in dryness)
  • I felt my hair wasn't as frizzy as normal after being blow dried - which saved me time when attempting to tame my hair :)
  • Although an oil based product it didn't make my hair greasy (it actually withstood longer than normal) and it didn't weigh my hair down, which meant I had some volume! 

I would recommend using the Argan oil shampoo/conditioner range in conjunction with 'Miracle Oil' hair serum, which also contains argan oil. 

The Miracle oil helps to maintain 'fly-aways' by smoothing the hair and sealing in shine. 

There is a similar product to the 'Miracle oil' which is available in Penneys and designed by hask, who makes the shampoo/conditioner- this is the 'Hask Argain oil' and both products are practically identical in terms of result and product, however, I opt for the Miracle Oil because I prefer the container. The Hask argan oil comes in a tube - it's a simple preference :) 

Use the oil on damp hair to keep your hair shiny and soft!x! 

I feel that the Hask aragan oil shampoo/conditioner works brilliantly with the Miracle oil (or indeed the hask argan oil which is very similar) for creating a smooth and shiny result that lasts! :) 

Here is a close-up of my hair after using the above products combined... 

What are your shiny hair recommendations? 

HAPPY Hair-Day! 

Lots of Love, 
Shahira Xo
If your company would like a review or specific blog-post on a product, treatment, service or any other item to appear on email with the details.


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