Hey Blog Readers!
Another blog another friday.... :)
Changes: If you're a regular follower of my blog you'll notice I've gone back to my old blogspot account and I've connected it with my website www.shahirabarry.com
While I love my website I wasn't a fan of the blog layout and format so eventually I decided to make the move back to the old reliable! :)
Anyway... it doesn't make much of a difference to the readers except in the blog section of my website you will be directed to my blogspot and the layout is a little different-that's all! but in general it's the same setup and a blog every FRIDAY!
I'm still working on formatting my blogger to look and feel the way I wan't it to.. so bare with me :)
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
I headed out with a few friends in Galway last night. It had been AGES since I was out in Galway so it was nice to bump into some familiar faces and I had a really good night!
I dressed up as, amm well, a hooters girl.. I had the outfit from years ago when I was on holiday in Tenerife and my friend Naomi brought the same outfit when we were in Hollywood this summer so we had planned for awhile now that we'd head out together on Halloween and both be hooters girls! As for the wig.. well I just wanted a change... as you know my hair is jet black and it's likely that it will always be black and I'll never dye it because to go to another colour from black would ruin the quality of my hair and it would be really difficult to maintain so I liked the idea of wearing a blonde wig to see what I'd look like!
Conclusion... I LOVE WIGS!! I think they're going to be my new thing, haha, because I had so much fun wearing it and I almost felt like a different person! Tiffany from Tennessee! ;) haha!!
The only problem was I had to slightly lighten my eyebrows and colour them in in a light brown.
I went for a doll eyed barbie makeup look with double lashes.
Here are some pictures
SO anyway.. that was Halloween! I loved being Tiffany from Tennessee :) haha
Skin Care
I've been getting a lot of messages asking me about how I look after my skin and what products I use so I thought I'd tell you in this week's blog post.
Firstly, like anyone, my skin has good days and bad days and it's definitely hormonal! but I do think it's essential to have a set routine in place to look after your skin-especially if you wear makeup which is constantly clogging your pores and not allowing your skin to breath! Our skin is our biggest organ so we need to take care of it!
On a day to day basis I wash my face twice (in the morning and at night) but because I have to wear quite heavy makeup when I model whenever I get a chance to have a 'no makeup day' I will!
I use baby wipes-they're not ideal and cleansers are better but wipes get the job done quickly and you can simply throw them in your bag-which is very handy! I go for baby wipes ahead of facial wipes because firstly they're cheaper which is always a plus but also they are designed for babies skin so they don't harm or irritate the skin and they are also moisturizing!
When I was a teenager I got spots before all of my friends! I had a cluster on my forehead and I got so down about them.. that's when I found Vichy Normaderm facewash and I've sworn by it ever since!! It's the best facewash, in my opinion! It is a little pricier than your ordinary supermarket facewash but it's worth it and it lasts (€13).
Spot Cream
If you're looking for a spot cream I'd recommened Panoxyl 10! It's fantastic and literally ZAPS them away! BUT only apply a dab directly to the spot and not all over the area/skin-It will irritate your skin and you could get a rash!
Once all my makeup is off and I've washed my skin I use any toner (not specific-I change all the time) at the moment I'm using Botanical Toner from the Body Shop!
After I've used a toner it's time for the moisturizer..
The night cream I use is Lacura Q10 night cream! - this is an excellent product and so cheap!-It's from Aldi and it's under a tener!
It is certainly richer than Anti-wrinkle, and the Night version feels quite luxurious when you put it on.
I'm only 22 but I don't think you're ever to young to use at least one ant wrinkle cream!
Since using this night cream when I wake up in the morning my skin is really glowy and soft!
Everyone is raving about aldi creams lately! you can read the reviews by clicking here!
This brings me to my next moisturiser!
Also from Aldi!
I use aqua complete lacura serum
Again I love this stuff! it's cheap as chips but seriously good! I was immediately drawn to it's lovely fresh packaging and the fact it boasts Hyaluronic Acid in the ingredients. The serum soaks in really quickly which makes it perfect if you're like me and hate waiting ages inbetween skin care products to apply them. If you find products targeting at spot prone skin can be a little too drying, then I would say try this. It's lightweight formula seems great for my complexion.
The Daily Mail refereed to this product as a miracle product! You can read their article by clicking here!
Eye Cream
The one thing I do spend a little more on is my eye cream and this is because I am slightly obsessed with keeping dark circles at bay!
The eye cream that I use is loreal collagen filler eye treatment it retails for €22 and for a small tube this is a little pricey but I love it and although I use it both at night and in the morning I use it quite sparingly and it does last!
Loreal "Wrinkle De-Crease Collagen Filler Eye visibly softens and brightens the appearance of dark hollow circles and with its filling effect, wrinkles and furrows around the eye immediately appear smoother".
"INNOVATION Collagen Biospheres can inflate up to 9x their volume in contact with water naturally present in the upper layers of the skin. Wrinkle De-Crease Collagen Filler Eye has a wrinkle filling effect and helps reduce the appearance of wrinkle furrows."
I have noticed a big difference since using this product and it's a MUST HAVE of mine :)
I put Vaseline on my lips all the time! to keep them from cracking especially in the winter! Vaseline is a great product and if you have extra dry skin you can also apply it to your face. I heard recently that Jannifer Anderson puts Vaseline around her eyes every day and allows it to soak in - this is one of her beauty tips for stayin young! and she certainly looks the part! :)
Now and Then ;)
Every so often I'll steam my face- all you need is a basin, boiling water, a towel and some cotton pads. you literally hover your face over the basin of hot water (keeping your face at a safe distance) you wrap the towel over your head to trap and keep in the steam and simply sit there and wait for about 10minutes.. this opens your pores and unclogs them. Once your finished wipe your face with a pad and rinse in freezing cold water-this will ensure your pores are closed once again to stop dust etc.. re-entering them.
Once in awhile I also use a face mask either a store brought one or a home made-
This egg white face mask with oatmeal can be also a real plus for mature skin as all these 3 ingredients put together, are miracle workers for fine lines.
So if you were looking for a secure mild exfoliation face mask, that goes with your skin’s needs, search no more. 
You will need:
I love watching Kandee Johnson's YouTube channel and I always recommened her to my friends and blog readers :) I've been using her exfoliating lemon scrub for a while now and it's fantastic!
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