Hey Blog Readers!
So I was trying to think of what to blog about and then I thought.. well I've done a lot of cool stuff this week so maybe I'll just write a diary piece on what I've been up to. Let me know - Do you like updates/diary entries? if so I might make them a habit or at least keep you up to date every now and then!
Anyway, here we go! Today (Thursday as I write this) I woke up with a really sore throat (I felt it coming on last night) and I'm really feeling stuffy and horrible like I'm getting a cold :'( everything aches! I'm not really surprised as my body is probably adjusting and trying to catch up to my new environment - this move has been both mentally and physically exhausting! I have been SO busy that I am absolutely wrecked! Life here is x100 the speed of my life back home in Galway/Ireland... When I think back to Ireland now I think of a really calm, easy going, relaxing, place.. whereas LA is full speed ahead and for me it's been so hectic! but kind of hectic in a good way because I am glad I've been kept busy! it's a weight off my mind! Anyway, I'm definitely not surprised I'm sick! I've been working nearly every single day and it's been absolutely roasting (September seems hotter than August!) most days I am on set/in studios and I go from the extreme heat outside to absolutely freezing studio conditions. The temperature change is massive and I could tell early on that it was an environment for a cold/flu.. and here we are! lol!
ANYWAY, I pulled myself together on time to audition in the afternoon! It was a callback audition - So I realllyyy wanted to nail it! I managed to make myself feel better (cough=painkillers) and my audition actually went really well!! (fingers and toes crossed). It was an audition for a commercial/TV advert that will air in the UK and Ireland! ... YUP come all the way to the USA and have a UK/Irish commercial interested in you, LOL! I hope I didn't sound too stuffy because by the time I got home I was feeling worse than before...I genuinely think it took all my energy to pull myself to the audition! Lets hope it pays off!
I've worked all week on smaller jobs but I guess the two biggest ones I had this week was on Saturday I shot a series of commercials/TV Adverts for the EMA's (European Music Awards). I'm not sure when the EMA's are on but you'll probably spot my mug on MTV in the run up to them! I was playing a CRAZY Nicki Minaj fan..... Like literally I was chasing her car and everything!... It was very comedic but I just hope people who know me realise it's acting and not that I've come to LA to stalk Nicki Minaj, haha, I mean don't get me wrong - I do like Nicki+her music but not that much! = I don't like anyone that much! haha! Anyway we shot in and around a studios in DownTown Los Angeles (It was the same studios where I worked on a Maroon 5/Adam Levine video the other week). It was a long but fun day and I made some really lovely new friends! I'm making friends on almost every set I'm on: it's a really great way to meet like minded people!
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I also got to visit the Noh8 HQ for a photoshoot (eek) which was so fun & a great experience! but I think that was last week (my days are confused) anyway pro.pics soon! :)
Anyhow, I'm going to hit the hay because I have another early call time (working at Warner Brothers again tomorrow) and I need to feel better from this cold or I won't be able to go = I need an early night! zZz! hopefully I feel better tomorrow and keep your fingers crossed for me and the audition I had today! eeek! :)
In other news I'm moving into my permanent LA home on Wednesday (YAY-Finally the renovations are complete) so when I have it set up I may give you a video tour (if you'd like that??) or take pictures for a blog :)
Thanks for stopping by!!
Lots of Love,
Shahira Xo
If your company would like a review or specific blog-post on a product, treatment, service or any other item to appear on www.shahirabarry.com email info@shahirabarry.com with the details.
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