Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Have you seen my most recent YouTube videos?

Hey everyone!

SO I've become better at YouTubing more regularly and below are my two most recent - both are hair tutorials but that's just coincidence (not all my videos will be hair related;). One is How I cut my own hair at home and the other is an Ariana Grande Inspired hair style! Anyway I thought I would post them on here incase you missed them! ENJOY!x!

Let me know what you think or if you have any requests for future videos :)

AND Incase you missed the makeup tutorial I posted a couple of weeks ago...

Lots of Love!
Shahira Xo
If your company would like a review or specific blog-post on a product, treatment, service or any other item to appear on www.shahirabarry.com email info@shahirabarry.com with the details.


Sunday, 6 September 2015

When you lose your mojo... (Desire, Passion or Motivation!)

Hey Blog Readers!

Sorry for the lack of posts over the past while but this one is for me (to take my own advice) as much as it is for anyone else reading this who might need it!

Over the past couple of weeks I've really lacked energy, found myself beating myself up so to speak and just in general being a bit of a depressed head and lacking my mojo!

Why you ask? well to be honest I'm not entirely sure! As someone pursuing a career in entertainment the press coverage I had in the month of August could not have been any better - I was in everything from Cosmopolitan magazine to NOW!, Elite Daily and many more as well as multiple radio interviews even as far as Melbourne Australia! and opportunities coming in from Germany and India!(i did feel a bit overwhelmed to tell the truth) From the outside looking in you'd think my August was amazing and from that angle I guess it was! but I don't know what it was..maybe everyone has to crash at some stage but I definitely found myself crashing.. energy wise and positivity wise! both mentally and physically! SO I am trying to change it around starting fresh for the month of September!

I always saw September as a fake beginning of the year because it's not the new year but it is a time when we've been trained to start a new - start a new year in school/college, a new course, get back to work etc.. and even though we all complain about the summer being over I think there is a secret sense of happiness because as humans we need a routine and some organisation in our lives and I think many of us associate September with that (even if we change our minds and wish for summer in the months following).

First things first - It's important to assess why it is that you feel you've lost your mojo?!
For me I think it can simply be put down to my full steam a head, adrenaline filled, hectic year - moving country is not easy!! and there are daily challenges that you have to over come in order to survive! I have had a blessed year to say the least but it has also been one of the most challenging, draining and difficult obstacles I have ever faced. and I have faced it alone. It's been quite a while since I've seen my family now and there are no immediate plans for visits so that is very tough! Also living in LA and working in entertainment offers extreme highs but what goes up must come down and it cannot stay that way all of the time - regular life must commence!
I have suffered with anxiety for many years now and while initially my anxiety was high upon moving and the scariness that that offered..once I settled in it soon subsided and I almost felt I had cured myself of my anxiousness (I think I wrote a blog on it?) Anyway then Que the entrance of a psychotic nutter into my life and my anxiety reached the worst it's ever been... I finally removed myself from that situation a couple of months ago and to be honest I feel I've been suffering from perhaps a less extreme version of post traumatic stress ever since! There is no reason for it anymore - I'm away from the situation and life is good but I guess it's waves of anxiousness and it was so high it's taken a while to come back down! Hopefully now that I've assessed what may have been bothering me and what might have been going on I can now try to pick myself back up, grab my mojo back with both hands and get back in the race of life!
A video posted by Shahira (@shahirabarry) on
Ask your self... why do you feel you've lost your mojo?
Is it because you were gong full steam ahead for too long? and not giving yourself a break?!
are you still interested in what it is your pursuing? or do you need to change it up?
are you bored? do you need to try something new?
are there legitimate reasons that have made you feel down and perhaps you haven't faced or over come them just yet?
Once you assess why it is you've been feeling the way you've been feeling you can work on putting it back together and starting again! regaining your positivity and your strive!

The Secret!
I very much believe in the secret aka the law of attraction! anyone who reads my blog regularly, keeps up with me on social media or knows me personally would know that! However-no matter how much you believe in submitting good energy and being positive we are all human and we are flawed! there are times when life for whatever reason, even a reason that doesn't make sense to others, can knock us down and we can get stuck in a rut and begin to work the secret against us.

So YEAH BABY here are my tips for those times in life when you feel you've lost your Mojo!

1) Re-evaluate, assess and get organised! As mentioned above once you figure out why you've lost your mojo you can begin to make moves to either get it back or change it! If you change it make sure you are definite that you no longer have a passion for what ever IT is and not that you are giving up when things get tough - everything worth achieving will have obstacles in the way - don't give up at the hurdle! Now it's time to get organised and put a plan in place! Having a daily routine is so important - it doesn't matter how much or little it is you have to do. Having a generally steady daily routine makes your mind so much clearer therefore giving you the space you need to concentrate and progress once again!

2) Get outside/change your environment! staring at concrete walls all the time won't help you to come up with new ideas or to become motivated once again - get outside! go for a walk, breath some fresh air! try something new! Your creativity will thank you for it!

3) Change Your Patterns Be brave! try out the for the weird class around the corner – give it a whirl. Go to the gym after work? Try pumping some iron before you get to the office. If you eat at the same restaurant for lunch all the time, walk a bit further to check out a new spot. See what happens by just sitting on the other side of your desk, looking at a different wall or out a window, bring your work outside-change up your perspective. It’s a variety of small improvements that will declutter your mind dramatically.

4) Change your attitude! If you'll believe it, you'll see it! if you can feel it you can achieve it! envision your finish line! imagine you already have it/you've reached your goal(whatever it may be) and then begin to work backwards to determine what you need to do to make that your reality! but always believe it is! Make lists, set a side some time in the day and make small goals for each stage! don't overwhelm your brain with too many tasks/goals at one time - simply start climbing the stairs, ticking off the tasks one step at a time!

5) To do list: Keep a list and change some priorities! (I'm not saying that if you have kids/wife/husband not to have them as your #1 priority) I'm talking about things/jobs/habits etc.. not necessarily relationships (although we'll get to that further down). If you have fitness goals and you find no time for them and yet seem to find time to sit down and watch coronation street every day at 7.30pm and get no personal gain or even enjoyment from watching but it's simply become a habit then change that!! leave Corry to the side and take that time to get some exercise in instead! Keep a calendar.. because your calendar does not lie about where your focus and priorities are, so make it clear that you value your own time for the categories you want to focus on.  Block out time for activities requiring your attention and adjust the rest of your day accordingly! Make time for what you need to do! 

6) Remember The people you surround yourself with heavily influence you. If you’re lacking motivation and feeling down on everything, it might be time to upgrade your sphere of influence. Negativity breeds negativity, but likewise with positivity, which is the good news!! Those closest to you should be the same people who bring out your best qualities, including your mojo for life’s adventures. You should lift each other higher rather than bring one another down! 

7) Change Your Thoughts:  “You are what you think about.”  Instead of thinking you “can’t do X” or “won’t be able to do Y,” think about your ability to do them: you could do X if…  Fill in the blank and then make it actionable. For example, thinking you’re “fat” doesn’t accomplish anything – even if it’s true. Instead, think, “my ideal body image would be…” and fill in the blank then work your butt off to get there! 

8) Give your body the fuel it needs! Eat healthy: fuel your bod with nutrients and get enough sleep!ZzZ! for our brain to be clear and functioning at it's best, our body needs to feel awake and at it's best! how can we expect to get things done and to have a clear mind if we are physically exhausted! On a personal level and note I'm over alcohol and have been for the longest time! It can be ok in moderation but personally I don't get any gain from drinking alcohol-all I get is a blurred mind and days of feeling sick, unmotivated and feeling sorry for myself...give me a hike and some outdoor activities any day! 

These changes aren't easy! but as Einstein said best... 

Finally..I often turn to THE Tube! (YouTube) - YouTube is great for helping you on just about anything! Need to know how to do a certain hairstyle - youtube it, need to know how to bake a cake - youtube it, need some tips on getting motivated... youtube it!! Below is one of my favorites! ENJOY!x!

Please Share/Let me know if you have any tips/tricks on getting your mojo back ;) 

As always you can follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube!x!

BTW if you missed my most recent YouTube video catch it below :) 

Lots of Love, 
Shahira Xo

If your company would like a review or specific blog-post on a product, treatment, service or any other item to appear on www.shahirabarry.com email info@shahirabarry.com with the details.

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